Managing our mental and physical health is so important to ensure we are strong and prepared to tackle the stresses of what each day has for us. However, during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common for everyone to experience increased levels of distress and anxiety, particularly as a result of social isolation.

Front line health care professionals are particularly the most vulnerable to negative mental health effects as you strive to balance the duty of caring for patients with concerns about their own well-being and that of your own family and friends. Even with vaccines rolling out, lock downs lifting, and change on the horizon the stress of reintegrating into a new normal can add stress as well.

It is important to take care of yourself and fill your cup before you can help others. Here is a list of articles with tips and resources on how you can start to take hold of your mental and physical well being today!








Please reach out to anyone of our leaders at HCA to discuss any challenges you are facing, things that aren’t going well, or even just to check in and connect. We are all here to listen, hold space, and support YOU!

CONTACT US ?https://homecarealternatives.net//contacts/